Sunday, January 13, 2013

Holidays Abroad | Pt 1 | Florence, Italy

Well well well. As you might have noticed (via the social media channels or lack of our attendance at a a holiday party) we were in Italy and Albania for Christmas and New Years respectively. I have been dying to go back to Albania since the day I can home in 2009. Tyler is the radest ever because although he was totally terrified, he came along and spent his entire break from school on this fantastic adventure! We booked the majority of our trip through which helped us cut on costs. Our first stop was in Florence, Italy. We stayed in a pretty sweet apartment with Francesca.
Let the photos begin!

Our first night we hit up the David ("NO PHOTOS!"-courtesy of museum security) and our first pizza....of many pizzas to come! We didn't know Italian, so this pizza just looked good from the window and then once we started eating it we noticed it had a layer of egg under the cheese. Which actually ended up being pretty good!   

As you can see all the little streets were strung with lights for christmas, it was great. Also, the Duomo. This place was INSANE! Seriously. I had actually studied it in Art History back in the day, but they always focus on the dome (which was a spectacle as well!) The exterior was insane. I could've looked at it for hours on end. They had just cleaned 90% of it so it was lookin gooood! The next morning we decided to wake up at the crack of dawn and go up to the top of the dome. Which entailed about 30 minutes of stairs, old old cement stairwells. LOVED IT! 

We were in such a hurry to beat any crowds and have time to see everything we wanted to in Florence since we didn't have much time there. We booked it up those stairs of death (seriously DEATH!) and got to the top for the best view ever aaaaaaand, it was covered in fog. We laughed, I mean we were bummed, but it was still pretty sweet to be up in the fog! This picture is supposed to have the faint bell tower behind us...Seriously, the fog was insane!

FOG! FOG! FOG! We could see a couple blocks out in front of us. Can I just mention that after the day of traveling...our shower didn't have hot water, which happened quite a few times. In fact, I think we had more cold showers than hot showers. (This is because we didn't stay in hotels for the most part of our adventure!)

View from the top.

Tyler loves bikes! I love the roads. 

One the left is a shot of the bridge where we took the photo on the right...

Later in the day we went to the Bobili gardens. They were gorgeous! Massive and gorgeous. There was maybe 3 other people in all of the gardens. It was like we had them all to ourselves! Nice romantic strolls through this place! 

Good times in the gardens. This head is actually not as old as it looks, and it's actually made out of bronze, not cracked stone. Pretty snazzy! (I'm running out of adjectives already.)

The fountain of Neptune in the Gardens.

As we left the gardens we saw this HILARIOUS little cherub on the fountain that reminded me of this  meme. We love memes. If you are totally confused, see that link. We had a good laugh.

And if you are wondering, this is my new dream car. It's like a MINI mini van, AND it plugs in! If you know me, I'm a fan of anything but gas! 

Tyler in front of a Medici I statue at the Piazza Della Signoria. Tyler absolutely loves history (hence the reason he's a history major) so stuff like this, he was ALL about, that I would've just walked on by. This, and every other thing we went to. He was my personal tour guide. Sometimes I would glaze over...ha, but I still learned loads. Thanks Tyler for making my trip much more educational!

Our time in Florence was short, but we spent it well!