Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 | The Evans' Side

Thanksgiving 2012 was with the Evans side. It was wonderful! Tyler's family owns an antique store downtown SLC, so we had dinner in the loft above the store. Which means, photo ops on the roof with the city and a sunset as our back drop. It was our first Thanksgiving with that side of the family, it was great to hang out, eat good food and get to know everyone better.

That evening my sister, Cassi and I hit up black friday sales. We had no idea what we were going to get, we both just enjoy the excitement of it all. We sat in front of Old Navy for about an hour in the FREEZING COLD. By accident we won some sweet video games for the Wii, not that either of us have one. So ya, thanks to amazon we'll be able to recover some of our wreckless spendings.

Did I mention Tyler & I totally look like parents in this picture? Introducing Stella! The only child of the evening, missing her other half, Ava. She's pretty much the sweetest little girl ever. She's our niece. Hopefully we end up with kids as cool as our nieces and nephews one day!

Holidays bring out the blogs!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy One Year Anniversary!

Instead of making sure to spread our anniversary on social media, we just enjoyed it. Including reliving our first date at Naked Sushi (thank you for the $20 discount for the "long wait" wish really we hadn't noticed) We also enjoyed charging up a room service bill at the Marriott City Creek since our room was free. We made it one year. Woop! It feels like its only been a couple months though.

That picture isn't from our anniversary. The only picture we took was this one below, when we woke up in the morning. I repeat, when we woke up, waiting for breakfast. So ya... Looks like we've already let ourselves go :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Well, that only took me 3 months to get back to blogging. Instead of trying to pick up where I left off, instead I'll just post the most recent fun thing that happened. The annual Baugh Family Park City Reunion. GOOOOOOD TIMES! I designed the tshirts, (shown in the header of this post) and while the adults didn't really understand them, I thought they were awesome. 2012 theme, Baugh-llin. (Ballin')
With all the cell phones these days, you hardly ever seem to pull our a camera. I did have it at the parade and when we went fishing though. So enjoy!

Lexie aka Our Capitain, ready to take off fishing at Strawberry Resevoir
Lexie is leaving on her mission to Lubbock TX soon, that will be 5 missionaries from the Rose house (3 sisters and my parents!) 

Tyler's First Fish
Ice berg! Straight ahead!

This was supposed to be a boys trip...surprise!
My dad is the best fisherman I know!

Uncle Glenn's first catch of the day
The crawdads, not on purpose

The huge one is my dads! Cooked up nice at the BBQ

Tyler waiting to catch something

The Titensor men trying to clean our their fish, sickening!

Tennis night! Our summer Shopko t's... $4.88 yes!

Ash, Aunt Sherry, my mom and the man who makes it all happen! Grandpa Baugh!


This will be our Main Street Parade tradition picture. Thank you to our photo bombers for making a return appearance. 
The original 2011 photo bombed pic.  
We were purposefully trying to be cheesy...FYI. And can I just say how NUTS it is that in that first picture we'd just been dating a few months and here we are a year later, married. Its hard to imagine we used to just be dating. Glad to have my new bestie with me every year for the rest of forever with me in Park City. Whoop!
Until I find the time to blog again...peace out!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Our First Easter

Our first Easter together! This year has been fun because it was actually this time last year that our "courtship" began. April 14th was our first date, but these very days last year were the days leading up to our first texts and phone calls. I can't believe that was a year ago. Wow! This past week has been awesome though, we've had some good fun times now that the weather is clearing up!

Artspace Commons. We are moving soon :( We will miss our downtown place. Also, Tyler is a sugar and took me to Park City on Friday to get me an Easter dress. I tried on a bundle, he had the final say. 

Our Easter portraits. 

824 South. We'll miss our fancy call box. 

We dyed our eggs with Kool-Aid this year. They turned out alright. Some traditions, like the Easter bunny, I totally forget about because my parents always did it all (obviously.) Since we don't have kids yet or anything, I wasn't really thinking about any of that stuff until all the sudden yesterday I realized O my heck! We need to do something american and festive. SO! I made some coconut macaroons while Tyler took an Easter nap. 

OUR EASTER EGGS! Tylers is a face, and mine are "ombre" eggs. We really only had eggs, koolaid, tape and spoons, so these are the best we could come up with. 

IN OTHER NEWS. Tylers friend Jake always seems to hook us up! We went to the Grizzlies game and hung out in the suite. Tyler mostly watched the NCAA tourny and watched his pick, Kansas lose :(

Also, with all this amazing weather, we decided to camp out on our balcony. Can't say we lasted the entire night (not comfortable, especially knowing your bed is 10 ft away!) but we had fun chit chatting and enjoying some not freezing fresh air.

Welp, final projects are in full swing the next couple weeks...and we'll be moving. We loved the artspace commons, just not enough room for us anymore. We are pumped about our new place though!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Londons Calling

First off, I hope Tyler is proud of the title of this blog.  I know its a little past time, but whatever, I've still yet to post wedding pics! So yes. Here are the pictures from the London portion of our spontaneous european spring break.
This was all so last second, and such an adventure. I LOVE adventures. Tyler was hesitant when I found this website. People basically rent out rooms in their homes. I felt like it was safe since it was through this website. The hosts get rated by their guests and we got rated by our hosts. I'm glad we did it. It saved us a lot of moolah aaaaand it just so happened that the "flat" we stayed at in London, the owners were on a vacation of their own. So we had the London flat ALL TO OURSELVES! We had a blast! It would've been cool to meet the owners though, maybe next time!
Picture time!
We took the Eurostar from Paris to London. I LOVE trains. It was like being back in Switzerland for a couple hours. 

Tyler does not enjoy trains like myself. I took the window seat...he slept.  

Arrived in London. They are ready for the Olympics! Sweeeeet!

Out in front of the British Museum. So we were up until about 1:30 the night before at a wedding of my old mission companions brother. We got lost all around London while Joy was trying to drive us home. What an adventure! We planned to meet her here, way too early. No time to shower! Hence why we look so hot! Anyway. We didn't have cell phones. Sitting and waiting to meet someone is so nerve racking without being able to text or call and make sure we planned the right place and time etc etc. Good times. :)

The Rosetta Stone! Na na na naaaa! How neat is that!? This Museum was great! Tyler loves this type of stuff. My companion joined us for the day. Remember the pose Tyler started in Paris. The ole thumbs is very strong throughout the rest of the trip.


Some more cool stuff. Rameses II statue?

Motra Kennedy! aka Joy Kennedy! I LOVE this girl. She was the first sister I "trained" on my mission. I still claim she trained me, she knew Albanian grammer out of the MTC better than I knew it when I trained her. She's from Manchester and just happened to be in London for the weekend for a wedding. 

Another Rameses statue, and look at how beautiful this roof is!

Me and Joy in Japan....

Thumbs up for Tyler in front of a sculpture thing. And a thumbs up from me because I think this Japanese poster was awesome.  

More great art in the museum. Woo!


O ya know. The ole phone booth photos. One with my favorite husband. One with my favorite english companion.

Like father like son. We went to this museum especially to see Turner paintings. Tyler's dad looooves Turner and Tyler thinks they are pretty sweet too. I love the later Turner stuff (as pictured)


Well these pictures might not be exciting, but this was one of the best parts of the trip! While Tyler ran off to the bathroom, one of the workers at the Victoria & Albert Museum started talking to me. Told me I seemed like a really happy person (I was in europe...) asked me where I was from...long story short. Thank goodness for my mission! We had a really nice conversation about religion. All initiated by him. He was totally intrigued by everything I believe. I was totally caught off guard after I'd told him a little bit and he straight up asked "what does that mean to you?" Anyway. The whole Church of England thing hadn't been working out for him. He gave me his card with his info, which I can't wait to pass off to the missionaries!

FLOORS! Seriously though, how often do you see floors these days so intricate. In Utah...for me, unless I'm in the Temple, never. 

Who knew it could be so windy underground! I loooved the tube. We had our Oyster cards, Kennedy was so impressed, just like the locals. One day maybe we'll have underground transportation in Utah. I hope!

I don't care about celebrities but I LOVE princess kate. She is so classy and has such style. Here we are at Buckingham Palace! Showed up during the changing of the guard. That was just insane. Marching, horses, bands, gobs and gobs of people trying to see.

Buckingham Palace! 

Why do I love this picture so much? I just do. A big tall tower with someone significant to people other than ourselves atop. 



Nelson's Column AND the picture of the pigeon was taken by Tyler. Is he good or what!


At the home of Benjamin Franklin!


Ben Franklins house! Sweet tile!


Red door, black phone booth.


Scotland! and the Old War Office!


That sign warns that the horses might kick or bite. I saw the horses teeth. Freaky!


BIG BEN! We picked the BEST day ever to be out and about to see all the sites. It was so nice outside! Look at how perfect all the clouds were! So amazing!

West Minster Abbey. WOW! What a sight to see. Even just from the outside. Holy smokes. We didn't end up splurging the extra $60 to go inside though. 


The underground! AND the sweetest corner pub ever! This building was so old, and so thin! and the lettering and 174 address are actually mosaics, not paintings. This is one of my favorite buildings I have seen in all the world I ever saw. So many details I just loved about it!


St Pauls Catherdral and a cute candy shop we got some chocolate at. I'm surprised we didn't bring back more delicious chocolate.

Roaming around on backstreets. What in the horses!

This picture was the most best accident picture ever! Look at that blue sky! So lucky with the weather!


Now thats a classy pub from the looks of that sign! And Tyler sliding down the railing, and you can see the London Tower in the distance. Great day!

LONDON TOWER! This is what Tyler was the most stoked about! 


The tower bridge. Wish I wouldve grabbed a picture from the distance. This is such a cool looking bridge. Google it!


Thumbs up for Picadilly Circus! I'm no expert, but it felt like the Times Square of London to me with all that digital signage going! 

We are in love. 


People on the tube, reading their papers. Nobody talks to anyone. Sad. And the sign out on the road of the flat we stayed in. KILL YOUR SPEED! CALM DOWN. I thought this was so funny. Also, it's how I always knew we turned on the right road!


Our nieghborhood on the left, we stayed behind this building. And on the right, this is where we stayed. Too bad I didn't get any photos of the inside. You can see the flat here if your interested.

Flying business elite, fancy apetizers. I LUCKED out. His parent were so nice to hook me up on a buddy pass. Airline benefits are the best thing ever!

We ended up at JFK for awhile waiting for a flight out. This world we live in in so great. I love technology. Look at all these iPads for the public use. Totally free internet, games, etc. I love new innovative ideas. How are they free? Well the wall paper on the ipad is an advertisement for one of the little cafes sitting near by and then you can order something from your ipad and they deliver it right to where you are. That idea is money! 


So maybe I got bored and started trying to test the macro on our new camera. Did a pretty good job on Tylers beard eh? Sorry this is the final picture for our trip!

Thanks for reading/looking this far!
More of our lives to come! Probably wedding pictures after finals week.