Monday, December 19, 2011

Temple Square n Hot Chocolate Bar

A few years ago our friends started the "tradition" of going to temple square. Every year the "friends" group has slightly changed, but the staples are Jessi, Alayna, and myself. It has been SO smoggy. So that + coldness = we only stayed long enough to get the photos then kicked it. After temple square we came back to our apartment to drink hot chocolate.
Christmas break = all sorts of time to be a homemaker and make a Hot Coco Bar.  Since Tyler worked all day, I kept myself busy making amazing crockpot Hot Chocolate and coooookies. I'd rather be a full time cookie maker than student. This was a fun little get together.

Hot Chocolate with Sprinkles

The boys/The group

All pictures are pretty much blury since I refused to turn on the flash and it was dark and SMOGGY
My favorite photo, Alligator talking on the phone...but more importantly, the temple in the smoggy smoggy night

Alligator (Alayna) & Brit with their hot coco

The Kunzies and the Cases
Our first time hosting. It was delicious for all who partook.
Crock Pot Hot Coco, with Cookies, candy canes, gingerbread marshmallows, regular marshmallows, sprinkles, whip cream, Andes peppermint candy bits and did I say sprinkles? I think they make the hot coco look so cute!

Tyler dancing jamming out in the kicthen waiting to leave to the temple

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tyler Passed Math!

This is as excited as I've ever seen Tyler in the morning.
It was a long and torturous process. After a car wrecks and weddings, Tyler finally passed his Math 1010 class.  I woke up this morning and Tyler was not in bed. When he came back to bed I opened my eyes and he had the biggest grin I've ever seen on his face. Tyler is NOT a morning person and I had no idea why he was awake before me AND smiling. I asked him what he was up to, I thought surely he was playing a trick on me, but turns out he'd woken up early to check out his math grade. Big thanks to Brent and Syd for all the tutoring. WAHOO! Life is gooooooood!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Pinterest is amazing. I use it all the time. When it goes down I hate going back to google image search for inspiration because 90% of the stuff is ugly. Sometimes I come across good info on pinterest but it looks ugly. I loved this little list but didn't dare pin this to my board because I really didn't like the font. Not saying that this is perfect, but at least I can look at my version.  I'm posting it to my blog so I can now pin it from here. :) Thanks to for the original version. Ah, I feel so much better now. 


My Version of Negative Calorie Foods

Monday, November 28, 2011

Moving In...

So I keep waiting and waiting to start this blog because I hadn't gotten my wedding pictures back and I was still living out of bags. I just wanted to start from the beginning ya know? Anyway, let the blog begin...

Tyler and I have both moved more than once in our lives. I went back and forth to college coming home during holidays and the summer every year. We both have been on missions moving potentially every six week. However, I believe this has been the craziest move of all BECAUSE Tyler was already moved into our apartment for about 6 months before I came to crash the party. Boys utilize space different than girls. For instance, I had to move his books out of the pantry shelves in the kitchen to some other closet shelves. I guess when you only eat cereal you don't see those shelves as a pantry. I have slowly been sorting everything out and trying to nudge my way in. LUCKILY Tyler isn't too territorial and doesn't mind that I've wrecked the place before I've put it back together.


These pictures were taken during the past couple weeks.  Once we are really actually settled I'll post real pictures. These were taken before we did the BIG Bed Bath and Beyond exchange. (FYI they are just like target now and only do in store credit, boo) Once we did that and started opening gifts and stowing them away it started to look a little better. AND it did make great improvement yesterday when I was asked to baby sit Ashley's kids and they had to come over. We did a MAD clean up so the kids could play. (Even though Greyson just wanted to stay on the balcony all day anyway)

Looking forward to a clean organized apartment.

Friday, September 23, 2011

We are engaged!

Liberty Park, newly engaged, like literally a few minutes later
Tyler is the better writer. However humans like pictures more. We shall see what this blog becomes. Tyler is surely sleeping right now and will wake up to find he has become weaved into the blogger world.