Monday, April 9, 2012

Our First Easter

Our first Easter together! This year has been fun because it was actually this time last year that our "courtship" began. April 14th was our first date, but these very days last year were the days leading up to our first texts and phone calls. I can't believe that was a year ago. Wow! This past week has been awesome though, we've had some good fun times now that the weather is clearing up!

Artspace Commons. We are moving soon :( We will miss our downtown place. Also, Tyler is a sugar and took me to Park City on Friday to get me an Easter dress. I tried on a bundle, he had the final say. 

Our Easter portraits. 

824 South. We'll miss our fancy call box. 

We dyed our eggs with Kool-Aid this year. They turned out alright. Some traditions, like the Easter bunny, I totally forget about because my parents always did it all (obviously.) Since we don't have kids yet or anything, I wasn't really thinking about any of that stuff until all the sudden yesterday I realized O my heck! We need to do something american and festive. SO! I made some coconut macaroons while Tyler took an Easter nap. 

OUR EASTER EGGS! Tylers is a face, and mine are "ombre" eggs. We really only had eggs, koolaid, tape and spoons, so these are the best we could come up with. 

IN OTHER NEWS. Tylers friend Jake always seems to hook us up! We went to the Grizzlies game and hung out in the suite. Tyler mostly watched the NCAA tourny and watched his pick, Kansas lose :(

Also, with all this amazing weather, we decided to camp out on our balcony. Can't say we lasted the entire night (not comfortable, especially knowing your bed is 10 ft away!) but we had fun chit chatting and enjoying some not freezing fresh air.

Welp, final projects are in full swing the next couple weeks...and we'll be moving. We loved the artspace commons, just not enough room for us anymore. We are pumped about our new place though!

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